- a slip of the tongue失言,口误;
- a bite to eatn.随便吃点东西;
- bite the hand that feeds onev.恩将仇报;
- bite the dust倒地而死;被打败,被拒绝;战死沙场;
- bite the bulletvi.忍受困难或勉为其难做某事;
- bite on取得,尽力想;
- bite offv.咬掉,截去;
- bite guard[医]护牙合器,牙合平面板,牙合垫;
- bite cell咬手机
- bite back咬还;回咬(某人或某动物);把(话)咽回去;强忍不说出来;
- furry tongue舌苔;
- grab a bite吃点东西(非正式语);随便吃几口;先吃点东西垫垫肚子;
- have a bite点补;
- ice tongue冰舌;
- love biten.吻痕;
- mother tonguen.母语,本国语;
- on the tip of my tongue在我的舌尖上
- put one's hands on找到;
- put one's feet upv.搁起腿休息;
- put one's foot downv.坚决,坚决反对;毅然决然;
- 双语例句
It is wise bite one's tongue on a controversial issue.
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